“Furthermore, there is a noticeable likeness between all the coins circulating among people who have pretty close commercial relations.”
“In the murky light cast by the moon, Dragina was able to make out the likeness of Istvan Yagoda, his heavily pomaded black hair and thin moustache unmistakable, even with the paltry illumination.”
“In these terms, then, a portrait is a likeness of an individual person represented for his or her own sake, such that the image cannot be mistaken to represent anyone else.”
(sometimes as the likes of) Someone similar to a given person, or something similar to a given object; a comparative; a type; a sort.
(golf) The stroke that equalizes the number of strokes played by the opposing player or side.
“Current-day Zen writers often seem to cloud their writing with an overlay demonstrating their likableness or they entangle themselves in a scholarly snarl.”
“He hasn't lost his charm, nor has his infectious likableness diminished, even 18 years after his original arrival.”
“He answers the phone warily, as if it were always 3 a.m., as if he were on guard against his own immense likableness.”
“In any event, their inclusion decreases the likehood of finding a brand-name loss.”
“With high likehood ratio given level might serve as a support.”
“The Commission is particularly concerned by the likehood that disabled people will be left on the sidelines as the economic recovery gathers momentum.”
“To overcome this problem a new approach integrating the updating of likelihoods during the dead-reckoning functioning is developed.”
“In short: same likelihoods implies same theory.”
“And it shows that the values for the prior probabilities together with the values of the likelihoods should uniquely determine the value for the expectedness of the evidence.”