What's the noun for barrelling? Here's the word you're looking for.
(countable) A roundvessel or cask, of greater length than breadth, and bulging in the middle, made of staves bound with hoops, and having flat ends or heads. Sometimes applied to a similar cylindrical container made of metal, usually called a drum.
The quantity which constitutes a full barrel: the volume or weight this represents varies by local law and custom.
“If a barrel of apples contains just one poisoned apple, and you cannot tell outwardly which apple is the poisoned one, you must toss out the entire barrelful.”
“He made fresh water from salt water by means of a distilling apparatus which furnished a barrelful every night.”
“The country to the leeward of Kilauea shows an abundance of Pele's hair, and it may be gathered by the barrelful.”
“The brownsnout spookfish is a species of barreleye is the only vertebrate known to employ a mirror, as opposed to a lens, to focus an image in its eyes.”