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How to use taking into consideration in a sentence

Looking for sentences with "taking into consideration"? Here are some examples.

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Costs must be balanced against other forms of transport by taking into consideration not just monetary values, but environmental responsibility.
There are several short-term solutions as well as long-term solutions which the company is taking into consideration.
In short, the president made imprudent remarks without taking into consideration the current situation the nation is now faced with.
The groupings were made on the basis of location, while taking into consideration the continental and insular outcrop of the Cubagua Formation.
The plan was comprehensive in taking into consideration actions needed to prepare and respond to emergencies at each level.
They are a method of levelling the playing field and taking into consideration structural inequalities.
The amount is calculated taking into consideration the importance and difficulties of the appraisement and the accomplished work.
Similarly, the fact that there are exemptions on a personal basis, taking into consideration religious appurtenance, is completely irrelevant.
The report has been prepared taking into consideration the four-year periodicity of the first cycle of the review.
When taking into consideration all evidence of habitability and discoverability for a single planet one has exactly one example of a constrained optimization.
It is the Minister of Finance and cabinet who make the decisions, taking into consideration the analysis and advice received and other factors.
The exemption might be revoked when taking into consideration further emission stages.
Adopt a realistic decision on the scheduling of the elections taking into consideration the special circumstances as a result of the earthquake.
Mr. Speaker, first, I hope all hon. members here are taking into consideration the greater good of all Canadians, not only in their riding.
To do this, it is often necessary to expand the context of the requirement, taking into consideration its position in the overall process.
Estimations are made using maps, taking into consideration the polluted surface and the thickness of the slicks.
It is further decided that the terms of membership shall be staggered and that such decision will be taken for the first election by the drawing of lots, taking into consideration equitable geographical distribution.
The Company has estimated the fair value of equity interests by taking into consideration the new financing conditions its partner companies face.
It is difficult for managers to select appropriate actions while also taking into consideration the well-being of the company and the employee and respecting the many applicable laws.
Overall, this represents a good first quarter especially when taking into consideration that the first three months are traditionally the weakest of Eurofins' business year.
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Examples from Classical Literature
I'm not taking into consideration the new-woman species, the faddist or the reformer.
Based on tests, line and rhomb arrangements are not to be preferred taking into consideration the value of tensions and the required space.
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