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How to use ricochet in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word ricochet? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
The shells ricochet off for a while, then hit home as the Kratch ship loses a wing and spins out of control.
The midfielder's shot was straight into the ground but took a ricochet and wrong-footed Davison.
Bullets can ricochet off water, rocks, trees, metal, and other hard surfaces.
Since bullets can ricochet off the water's surface and pose a risk to nearby civilians, water patrol officers almost never fire warning shots.
Bullets ricochet off rock surfaces, and broken glass crunches underneath your boots.
For those involved in internal security operations, a ricochet striking an innocent bystander can have major political consequences.
From what Fai could see it looked as if James was trying to ricochet the ball against the wall and into a corner pocket.
What's more likely to shake your equilibrium is that the room is covered in hard, reflective surfaces that ricochet sound.
These last for about 30 seconds or so, and will ricochet enemy fire right back at their senders.
Both sounds ricochet continuously off the shadowed and soot-covered brick walls.
They would satisfactorily bust a clay pipe or knock over a duck without the risk of ricochet.
It breaks up instantly and completely on impact, with no ricochet or lead accumulation.
Like Clark Coolidge, whose verve depends on malapropism, neologism, and ricochet, Roberts bounces back and forth within a multivalent vocabulary.
The practice of low-level skip bombing, particularly employed in attacks on shipping during WW II, relied upon ricochet for its effect.
Tracer rounds ricochet into the sky as rounds land short of the tank platoon.
Sister Ruth blisters her hands as her tribal beats and hammered out drum rolls ricochet like loose machine gun slugs.
The city would pay for the electricity, and ricochet would provide the pole-tops.
The reduced over-penetration and reduced ricochet characteristics of these rounds are nothing short of revolutionary.
At the same time, there are those who ricochet between denial and rationalization.
Together they whammed into the gulper and great sheets of explosive colours ricochet off its thick leathery hide, creating an arc around it of intense, blinding light.
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Examples from Classical Literature
So I tache, as they say at musketry-instruction, by direct and ricochet fire.
Henceforward I could only learn, as it were, by ricochet what was going on.
The similarity of this bullet to that seen in the ricochet in fig. 32 was exact.
Effect of ricochet in the production of severe forms of injury.
Perhaps he had mistaken it for the ricochet of a round shot.
But there has been an accident, a ricochet off one of those rocks.
The nose of the bullet is slightly deformed by ricochet at long range.
The missile was deformed by ricochet before striking the bone.
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