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How to use purgative in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word purgative? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
What doesn't get manhandled out gets washed out with whatever purgative their employer prescribes.
But when the six percussionists timidly clink their cymbals, it's hard to keep thinking they're high priests presiding over a purgative rite.
Triphala is widely regarded as a purgative and laxative but in fact it is considered a rasayana and rejuvenator.
Some of its other traditional uses have been as a mild purgative for chronic constipation and for the treatment of swollen glands.
Napoleon had been treated for a long time with tartar emetics, and the day he died he had been given a huge dose of calomer as a purgative.
Medicinal rhubarbs, as a purgative, are among the most important drug plants of all time.
While the plant is poisonous, the expressed thick, viscid oil is used as a powerful laxative and purgative.
Its low-calorie and high calcium content, and supposed medicinal benefits as a purgative, have brought a new generation of eaters.
He prescribes purgative medicines to act as eccoprotics, to excite but not to stimulate the bowels.
Chinese people have used it for over 2000 years as a purgative medicine, although some scientists consider it a medical enigma.
This purgative application is generally thought to be safe and effective even for geriatric and pediatric use.
Prepared rhubarb is used when one desires to enhance the blood moving or heat clearing effects of the herb, but minimize the purgative action.
The laxative and purgative properties of Senna were discovered in the 9th century by the Arabs, who spread its use to Europe.
Hellebore Known as Christmas rose, a poisonous plant used as a purgative, in the treatment of dropsy and as an abortifacient.
The purgative activity of RH appears to be due to rhein and the sennoside components.
Bulimia nervosa can be difficult to identify because of extreme secrecy about binge eating and purgative behaviour.
At low doses, bitter aloes stimulate digestion, and at higher doses, they are a laxative and a purgative.
One is called a purgative and includes herbs such as senna, rhubarb, leptandra, buckthorne and cascara.
Some of them prime your emotions, setting you up for a let down or a purgative, thundering crash.
We seem to prefer the smile that conceals an inner deception to the honest purgative truth about ourselves.
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Examples from Classical Literature
The above are purgative and vermifuge, applied as frictions to the abdomen.
Pulverized the stone was used as a tonic and purgative by the Greeks and Romans.
For the present he can but prescribe a purgative and a massage of the arm and spine.
Ainslie states that the decoction is employed as a vermifuge and purgative.
If the inflammation is severe, take a purgative and use a refrigerant lotion.
When swallowed, the jewel is next day recovered with the help of a purgative.
Visicol is the first and only tablet purgative preparation indicated for bowel cleansing prior to colonoscopy.
The next morning administer a purgative dose of oil or salts.
The working of purgative physic is violent and contrary to nature.
What's really troubling about someone like Eminem is the very purgative nature of art.
A decoction of the leaves is purgative and is used in lead colic.
They have medicinal qualities, purgative and diuretic in effect.
The juice of the leaves is emetic and that of the roots purgative.
It is prepared like resin of jalap and is a safe and sure purgative.
This simply acts medicinally as either an emetic or as a purgative.
This is the purgative effect of modern free enterprise that ultimately improves the standard of living for all society.
A powerful astringent, purgative, anthelmintic, and narcotic.
We know that one medicine is a purgative, because it opens the bowels.
Polyethylene glycol and oral sodium phosphate solutions are the two most widely-used purgative agents.
Bruce Parry's Amazonian hosts this week are the Achuar who start each day with a strongly purgative drink.
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