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How to use presbyter in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word presbyter? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
I have yet to meet a Canadian presbyter or bishop who will even broker the point, let alone agree to one atom of it.
The elder presbyter was foremost responsible for these unofficial youth gatherings.
He was presbyter of the church of Antioch, where he wrote a confession of faith in opposition to the Sabellians.
Here is how the Roman presbyter Hippolytus describes the questions they were asked.
The care of souls instead was the task of the presbyter who was also responsible for the day-to-day administration of the sacraments.
Zerr preferred Nkongoa, since this parish was the right size for him and they already had a presbyter that had been built by a German Father.
Here is the most senior presbyter in the whole Anglican church, and he will be busy raising uncomfortable questions about the teaching of the Word of God.
A number of these revisions allow a presbyter to administer some rites of renewal, particularly the renewal of baptismal vows at the Easter Vigil.
The teams of catechists are composed of some lay faithful, elected in conformity with art. 17 ยง3, and a presbyter.
According to Calvin, the Primitive Church had four different offices: pastor, doctor or teacher, deacon, and presbyter or elder.
The bishop in a large city would appoint a presbyter to pastor the flock in each congregation, acting as his delegate.
The sacramental form is in ecclesiastical Latin, where the term presbyter refers exclusively to one who possesses the sacerdotal order below that of a bishop.
On August 20, 1988 he was ordained as a presbyter in Mexico City.
This applied equally to the palace presbyter for shamanic rites when performing sacrifice.
In case of death or resignation of the presbyter, the initiators will choose another presbyter and present him to the Pontifical Council for the Laity for confirmation.
Shortly after the New Testament period, with the death of the Apostles, there was a differentiation in the usage of the synonymous terms, giving rise to the appearance of two distinct offices, bishop and presbyter.
Since in the primitive church the offices of presbyter and episkopos were identical, many Puritans held that this was the only form of government the church should have.
Most are organized in descending order, that is, from presbyter to deacon and deaconess, then to the lower orders of subdeacon, chanter, and reader.
The options for this John are John the son of Zebedee traditionally viewed as the author of the fourth Gospel, or John the Presbyter.
Examples from Classical Literature
Twelve miles off lived a presbyter, with whom, in mesmerist phraseology, he was en rapport.
According to the Stowe Missal it was administered by a presbyter.
And so this led to the conclusion to exalt him to the order of presbyter.
The word prester was understood to be a corruption of presbyter.
He is an ordained presbyter of the Diocese of Tirunelveli, Church of South India.
The holy presbyter Flavia Vitalia in early fifth-century Dalmatia sold a piece of church burial property, so she was an authorized church agent.
If you put these questions to Bishop or presbyter, he has no reply.
A major contribution is the breadth of its collection of literary and epigraphic evidence for the ordination of women to the offices of deacon and presbyter.
Currently he serves as an Executive Presbyter with the General Council of the Assemblies of God and is the president and founder of the Miranda Center for Hispanic Leadership.
Mahon is the co-Executive Presbyter of the denomination's Central region.
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