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How to use ocean acidification in a sentence

Looking for sentences with "ocean acidification"? Here are some examples.

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Some rational people open to geoengineering are worried by the fact that sulfates can't address ocean acidification.
The current state of scientific knowledge on both ocean acidification and iron fertilization will be examined.
Such ocean acidification could result in damage to coral reefs and other calcareous organisms such as sea urchins.
Additional benefits include reduction in ocean acidification and increased ocean primary productivity and biodiversity.
Overfishing, ocean acidification and pollution have two features in common.
South Africa said this should include seas, and Norway noted the importance of addressing ocean acidification.
The IOC will expand its efforts to monitor and raise international attention on the issue of ocean acidification caused by global climate change.
New Zealand, supported by Canada and the Russian Federation, noted that ocean acidification and ocean noise were not new issues.
Canada highlighted climate change as an emerging issue, and proposed a focus at the governance level on ocean acidification and sea-level rise.
If ocean acidification proceeds as predicted, it will have devastating environmental and human impacts.
The QRC ads make no mention of the impact of burning coal and gas on greenhouse gas emissions, on climate change and on the vulnerability of coral reefs to rising temperatures and ocean acidification.
Climate change and ocean acidification are expected to have increasing impacts on the Skagerrak ecosystem in the future.
Problems range from environmental effects of fishing techniques, described above, to ocean acidification.
Future ocean acidification could threaten coral reefs, fisheries, protected species, and other natural resources of value to society.
It plays an important role in the ocean's carbon cycle, and there is evidence of ongoing ocean acidification caused by carbon dioxide emissions.
They studied in their models changes in the saturation level of aragonite typically used to measure of ocean acidification.
It also reduces ocean acidification, Köhler noted.
Now let's fix ocean acidification and sad pandas.
Sadly, this remarkable system is subject to great stress from human activities as well as threats arising from climate change, warmer water temperature and ocean acidification.
This change due to ocean acidification would not only affect shell-building animals, but could ripple through the marine ecosystem.
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The Chesapeake Bay Oyster is now potentially entering its newest fight in what could prove to be an epic battle against ocean acidification.
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