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How to use day and night in a sentence

Looking for sentences with "day and night"? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
Every single day and night we had to sit in terror of the next bomb, the next plane, the next explosion.
Here in the life-giving odors of the balsamic forest, we erected our tent and made ready to pass the rest of the day and night.
The reason is that he and his boss have taken on this new project and they work day and night on it.
The Nurses are Registered General Nurses, State Enrolled Nurses and Health Care Assistants, employed to provide day and night nursing.
He had studied day and night when he was younger, perfecting each and every spell, until he could defeat anyone who stood in his way.
Wearing tight-fitting underwear day and night for a week after the operation will help to ease discomfort and prevent swelling.
Apart from firing all unit small arms by day and night, soldiers threw grenades and fired claymore mines.
These torturous cruelties happen every day and night, also just like I said.
These routes, used both day and night, differ in how they're activated and how civil traffic is deconflicted.
I have been walking all day and night, and am now decompressing before the flight home in the morning.
Surprise checks by the police, during day and night, can go a long way in checking the menace, thus preventing fatal road accidents.
The artist bent over the easel day and night, vigorously splashing paint here and splashing paint there.
He stood at a watch post every day and night, guarding her as if she were some crazed maniac going to destroy the whole city that she lived in.
Additional samples were collected near Nauset Inlet on flood and ebb tides and during the day and night at Nauset Harbor and Town Cove stations.
During their tenure, they concentrated on building a loyal, local customer base for day and night skiing for beginners and intermediates.
The only future I can see is the drunks coming at you at all times of the day and night.
The attacks by day and night utterly destroyed the towns surrounding the submarine pens but did virtually no damage to the targets themselves.
A diel study of the population in October indicated that the patchiness of population also changed dramatically between day and night.
The hotline will be operating day and night and 30 lines will be available simultaneously.
He was recently hospitalized for a month and had to wear an oxygen mask day and night.
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Examples from Classical Literature
The post-boys were exposed to all the inclemency of the weather both by day and night.
He flagellated himself for eighty and nine years, every day and night of which was a battle with the visions.
Sometimes he lived, day and night, motionless in his invalid's chair, with his legs propped before him on a footrest.
From now on, day and night, there will be a cat at the knothole, and 'ware mouse!
The guns still thundered, and the shells had never ceased to rend and pulverise the enemy position day and night.
The season of the foray had opened and flocks must be guarded by day and night.
After the first terrible day and night at St. Malo, there was no more crying.
They'd like to live in hotels, and trollop about the streets day and night.
It was said that twenty working-girls were engaged day and night upon the trousseau.
Nevertheless I long day and night to see her face, and to sit beneath the shadow of my own rooftree.
He was most active and eager, working day and night in concerting plans with his generals for his great purpose.
Into these, the soldiers stuffed great logs of mountain mahogany, and the fires were kept roaring day and night.
He was pious, but did not think it necessary to advertise it day and night unremittingly.
Thereafter her transformations were rhythmical, alternating with the day and night.
He had a musical box, which he was very fond of, and he had a man to keep it going at all hours of the day and night.
I had tended her day and night, and this, in addition to the grief I was suffering, made me anaemic.
When David was living in a state of impenitence, the strong hand of God was upon him day and night.
Pippin had been frightened, a thing that had hardly happened since the days when fear was his yokefellow, day and night.
Mauclair was the gas-man, who dispensed day and night at will on the stage of the Opera.
My wishes is, sir, as it shall look, day and night, winter and summer, as it has always looked, since she fust know'd it.
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