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How to use crocodile in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word crocodile? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
If a crocodile ate her alive, you'd imagine she'd give the rotter a good ticking off while trapped inside its guts.
The skin of the saltwater crocodile produces the highest quality leather of the world's crocodilian species.
Caught disturbing residents of Wyndham, Western Australia, a saltwater crocodile is restrained for shipment to a park.
Crocodiles vary in size. The saltwater crocodile measures up to 10 m in length, while others are no more than 1 m long.
From small boats, they shine bright spotlights across the water, searching for the unmistakable golden shine of crocodile eyes.
Alex reached in and extracted what looked like a crocodile head that was gnashing its teeth together menacingly.
The back-end is pike-shaped, the front is a cross between a garfish and a crocodile.
Kangaroo was on the menu in one restaurant, ostrich in another and, wait for it, another was serving cutlets of crocodile.
I lost 200 people I hired, and some people actually suggested that I cried crocodile tears.
Maybe we should avail of all these crocodile tears to start another swimming pool!
No amount of crocodile tears or political clap trap from politicians will be of any help whatsoever.
If there were awards for extreme melodrama with crocodile tears and overly dramatic pauses, then these individuals would win hands down.
There was a single lamp plugged into the generator, with a mesh over the bulb end and a crocodile clip on the other.
You play through your nose and change pitch with a pair of crocodile clips.
People are snooping on our lives, and you can too with cheap laptops, a few crocodile clips and a battered old van.
Two crocodile clips are attached to either side of the gap in the steel link and 1000 amps of electricity is applied.
Although crocodiles are formidable predators, taking prey as large as antelopes, they will allow crocodile birds to scavenge among their teeth.
They wore uniform, had uniform haircuts, slept in large dormitories known as wards, and walked everywhere crocodile fashion.
For example, when a school crocodile passed, the eye would count it as one person.
The crocodile involves the group walking one behind another and throwing a ball back down the line.
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Examples from Classical Literature
The crocodile is found in the Mekong, and there are many varieties of reptiles, some of them venomous.
At the head of the reptiles stands the gangetic crocodile, frequenting the Ganges and other large rivers.
Fig. 56 was identified as a crocodile but was not regarded as a step in the conventionalization shown.
Some crocodile or hippopotamus crawling through the rushes might craunch the babe.
What can we then believe of those stories that have been told us of the crocodile?
The Malagasy word for crocodile is mamba, and thus the child came by his name, with the usual prefix, Ra-Mamba.
As one inflates an air-cushion, I am now with my person inflating the crocodile.
Scrambling away, they beheld the head of a crocodile protruding through the sudd.
As is the mercy of the tears of the crocodile, so was the kindness of her looks.
The second crocodile hadn't finished yet, so he followed right after the first, still sucking his lollipop.
The arpa or drum of Oceana is made of wood, and imitates the head and jaws of a crocodile, with a handle for carrying purposes.
This is regarded as quite certainly the bird known in ancient days as the crocodile bird.
You couldn't keep it to yourself, for all your promises and your crocodile tears!
But he was accustomed to shed these crocodile tears after horrors of this kind, when he had made no effort to mitigate them.
When I use the word crocodile I am not hinting at savage instincts or crocodile tears.
He finally gets accustomed to these everlasting murmurs, to these dying postures, these crocodile tears.
This benefits the crocodile, who is pleased, and takes care not to hurt the trochilus.
It was the death cry of a wah-wah monkey facing the cruel jaws of a crocodile.
As alarcon had never seen an alligator he took the description to mean crocodile.
Of the two, Samba and the crocodile, it was the saurian that first recovered his wits.
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