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How to use abstract art in a sentence

Looking for sentences with "abstract art"? Here are some examples.

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Now I think it was something different, the struggle was between figurative art and abstract art.
The museum, featuring the works of artists like Matisse and Picasso, holds one of the largest collections of cubist, surrealist and abstract art.
In a 1943 letter to the New York Times, Gottlieb and Mark Rothko became the first to articulate the tenets of the new abstract art.
Much has been said about abstract art and spirituality, and these works offer food for thought in that respect.
Oshiro Onchi like Kandinsky were creative forerunners of expressionism and abstract art.
During the 1940s, New York offered little support for advanced abstract art, and California even less.
The walls were decorated with black and white abstract art, photos and paintings.
It's easier to like or dislike abstract art, as any attempt at representational art is always prone to rapid criticism.
In 1960 he helped organize the first Situation exhibition, an important landmark in British abstract art.
The walls of this room are a bright electric blue and black and white abstract art pieces are hung all over.
He knew that the impact of European abstract art was limited because it was accessible only to a select few.
Today quilting may encompass traditional craft, folk art, or abstract art, and quilts are as likely to be found on a museum wall as on a bed.
Their work was seminal in the development of abstract art generally and the Expressionist movement particularly.
And Beth, his first lawyer, is more likely to appreciate expressionist and abstract art.
The students quickly learn to recognize the difference between realistic, Impressionistic and abstract art.
Purely abstract art, art without a recognizable subject, cannot function in this crucial project.
To an Alaskan, snow is abstract art, smashing all the conventions and everything in its way.
A type of abstract art that exploits certain optical phenomena to cause a work to seem to vibrate, pulsate, or flicker.
With his frequent exhibitions and trips to the USA Kandinsky helped bringing abstract art to this country.
Millions of proud, educated Europeans are tired of being told by unelected grandees that the mess they see is really abstract art.
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Nor can we draw the immediate inference that abstract art is inappropriate in a frame.
The screen went into a beautiful burst of abstract art, and cleared, after a while, with Skordran Kirv looking out of it.
In the late 1960s the PCR was disturbed by the extent to which abstract art had blossomed despite party disapproval.
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